

Welcome to my site! My name is Monica Zanardo and I like movement

The movement of ideas, first of all: I am curious and attracted by novelties. As you know, a fluctuating mind moves the body starting from the feet: since I was a child, I practiced dance and even now I can’t resist when I hear the right notes coming from afar ... As I grew up, the dance steps became the traveller’s steps and so the desire of discovering new places and people and a physical movement merged. The travel I like most is by sailboat, although in this case more than the feet I move my arms and my hands, between ropes, mainsail and jib. And here we come to my other passion: when the season of sailing ends and I go back home with my load of new memories and emotions, shrouds and sails become by magic threads and fabrics with which I make clothes, accessories and textile jewellery, continuing and updating the family tradition of art craft and female creativity. And the movement of the hands gives shape to the movement of ideas.

Today more than ever movement means also exchange, broadcast: through my website I intend to share my travels, provide useful advice, personalized itineraries and suggestions to spend special moments regenerating mind and body from the empty movement of everyday.

I hope you find this online space stimulating and engaging. Join me in this adventure, where travel and creative expressions come together to generate a world of possibilities.

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